Royal Hand Vacuum Prince and Dirt Devil Belt Style #1
Designed to fit all corded hand vacuum cleaners. Fits Royal/Dirt
Devil Hand Vac Models with the exception of the Platinum Hand Vac:
M06207, M06301, M06500, M07505, M08100, M08100RED, M08100RT,
M08100RTC, M08130, M08131, M08150, M08150K, M08207, M08500,
M08510, M09207CA, M09212, M103, M10515, M10563CA, M123, M172,
M207CA, M212, M250, M500, M503, M504, M505, M510, M513, M515,
M533, M537, M563CA, M60301, MDD120, MDD122, MDD1220
For optimum performance, you should change belts at least every 12 months.