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Kirby Vacuum Cleaner Switch For G3-Sentria 110590

Kirby Vacuum Cleaner Switch For G3-Sentria , 110590
Sale Price: $42.00

Product Code: 013-110590

Kirby Power Safety Switch will fit all Kirby Generations vacuums starting from G3 all the way up to Sentria.
This is for 110 volt vacuums. Will NOT fit 220 volt version made for Europe, Australia and other 220 volt regions.
This will fit all Kirby Generations vacuums starting from G3 all the way up to Sentria.
Fits all the following Kirby Models:
Diamond Edition
Ultimate G
Generation 6
Generation 5
Generation 4
Generation 3
If you are not experienced vacuum repair expert but still would like to attempt replacing switch yourself - we suggest doing it at once so you will not forget how to put it back together. If you have a digital camera - snap plenty of pictures so you could look up how things are being put back together.

Few things to pay attention when installing the switch:
1. Before you disassemble - take a look where both the headlight are wires plugged in. One terminal (for the upper one) is so well hidden that have to note where it is before taking apart the Kirby.
2. Assembling you will have to know how to install slide bracket.
Make sure the plastic gears and the primary drive belt (inside the vacuum) are clear of wires. Use cable ties.
Part # 110590

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