Kirby Allergen Universal Bag (2 Pack) G3 Thru Sentria II w/ Universal Collar Design Kirby Universal Allergen Hepa Vacuum Bags fit all Kirby Vacuums G3 Thru Sentria II w/ Universal Collar Design. These Genuine Kirby bags remove 99.97 percent of common household dust, pollen, mites and other particles. Up to twice the capacity of standard paper bags. Minimizes bag odor. Electrostatically charged material traps sub-micron particles. Maintains higher airflow throughout the life of the bag for up to 100 percent greater filtering capacity.The universal collar design is only available on Allergen Reduction Filters. Note: Always remember to check and replace your Kirby Vacuum Belt!
Kirby Allergen Universal Bag fit models:
Kirby Sentria Vacuum Kirby Ultimate G Diamond Edition Vacuum Kirby Ultimate G Series / UG / G2000 Vacuum Kirby Generation 6 / G6 / Gen6 / Gsix Vacuum Kirby Generation 5 / G5 / Gen5 Vacuum Kirby Generation 4 / G4 / Gen4 Vacuum Kirby Generation 3 / G3 / Gen3 Vacuum
Improved Universal Kirby Bag Collar allows these bags to fit both types shown below:
Easy to install and remove
No twisting required _ simple tabs lock the Kirby vacuum bag in plac
Kirby Sentria, Ultimate G Diamond Edition and Ultimate G series Home Care Systems when used with Genuine Kirby F-Style Filters are certified to improve indoor air quality
Why avoid imitation Kirby vacuum bags, belts and supplies?
- Imitation bags may cause a decrease in filtration efficiency
Imitation belts may slip, stretch or break
Imitation brush rolls may not have the same level of cleaning power causing uneven or premature belt wear
Kirby papel 3M filtrado de reducci�n de al�rgenos Filtros 6 Pack, 204.803 elimina99.97 por ciento de polvo casero, polen, �caros y otras part�culas. Hasta el doble de capacidad de bolsas de papel est�ndar. Minimiza el olor bolsa. Para todos losmodelos de la serie Kirby Generaci�n: Ultimate G Diamond Edition, Ultimate serie G,GSix, G5, G4 y la Generaci�n 3. Tambi�n se adecue a los Sentria hecho de 2007-2008.
- Filtraci�n HEPA
- Elimina hasta el 99,97% de polvo de la casa com�n, el polen, los �caros y otras part�culas
- Carga electrost�tica de material trampas de part�culas sub-micrones
- Certificaci�n de cumplimiento de las normas de filtraci�n H11
- Ideal para personas al�rgicas